Welcome to our blog!
Nov 02, 2020Dr. Maria Montessori once said: “Education must begin at birth.” We totally agree. But that does not mean that we should stop learning once we reach a certain age. Learning is a lifelong process and we want to support you in this. That is why we are excited to start a blog, so that you can learn more about Montessori and sports. Learn to move, move to learn!
One thing we will do in our blog is keep you up to date of all the latest company developments, like course updates, partner announcements, scheduled events, and more. Additionally, we want to broaden and deepen your knowledge about Montessori, sports, and the connection between them. We will take a topic from our course and expand on it, for example, or have an interview with an expert from our field.
Our aim with this blog is to provide new and relevant content for you, so that gradually you become a Montessori Sports expert. So, do you have a burning question or an idea for a blog post that relates to Montessori and/or sports? Let us know ([email protected]) and we will get back to you!
On a final note, the best way to learn all about Montessori and sports is of course to join our fast-growing community. Taking our Fundamentals course is a unique opportunity for you to learn the basic principles of how to integrate sports into a Montessori environment. You can sign up and find more information here.
Enjoy reading our blog!
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